
The map presents part of the Greater Poland Voivodeship in west-central Poland, south from Poznań. It covers such areas as the Puszcza Zielonka Landscape Park and the Promno Landscape Park. Tourist attractions, cycling and walking trails are marked on the map, as well as other information useful for tourists.

The map presents part of the Greater Poland Voivodeship in west-central Poland, south from Poznań. It covers such towns as Stęszew, Środa Wielkopolska, Kostrzyn. Tourist attractions, cycling and walking trails are marked on the map, as well as other information useful for tourists.

Międzyrzecz Fortification Region was a fortified military defence line of Nazi Germany between the Oder and Warta rivers. Built in 1934–44, it was the most technologically advanced fortification system of Nazi Germany, and remains one of the largest and the most interesting systems of this type in the world today. It consists of around 100 concrete defence structures partially interconnected by a network of underground tunnels. Some of the forts and tunnels are available for visiting. The map presents the central part of the defence line. Cycling and walking trails are also marked.

The Sława Lakeland is situated in western Poland, where borders of three voivodeships meet: the Lubus Voivodeship, the Lower Silesian Voivodeship and the Greater Poland Voivodeship. The map also covers the Przemęt Landscape Park. Lot of information useful for tourists is marked on the map: monuments, accomodation facilities, protected areas, cycling, walking, and canoeing trails.

Mapa turystyczna Szlaku Piastowskiego, który przebiega przez województwa: wielkopolskie i kujawsko-pomorskie. Mapa została zaktualizowana w terenie, zostały na niej uwzględnione wszelkie niezbędne informacje turystyczno-krajoznawcze oraz informacje praktyczne. Rok Wydania 2017